Student Life

A unique spiritual growth experience apart from any other college.

Student life is essential for our students' growth. Laughing together, being together, making memories together is what propels our students into their own individual person. Through fun activities such as class road trips, to coffee hang outs, to simple LifeGroups, our students have an environment that is a place where they can be who they truly are. Student Life is not just an add on to FSOM, but it is ingrained into the culture of who we are.

Ministry Lectures

FSOM offers a unique spiritual growth experience apart from any other college of its kind. Chapel is one way that we make sure students are being spiritually fed throughout the week. Once a week our students and staff gather together for an exciting time of connection and a message tailored specifically to students studying ministry. One of the best parts about chapel is our students are able to put their hands-on training in to practice. These weekly services provide the staff and student body of FSOM to come together and put aside all their responsibilities to focus on Jesus!

Ministry Conference

Each academic year, our FSOM students are invited to join the pastoral staff for a church ministry conference. At these conferences, students participate in worship services, hear from church leaders from across the nation, and engage in tailored workshops for many different areas of church ministry. These 2-3 day conferences are a great time to focus on God and have fun with each other.

It is always one of the highlights of the year for every single student!

Mission Trips

The Great Commission is the heartbeat of Faith Church. So it would make sense that missions would be a major priority and yearly trips are a part of the FSOM experience. We ask that every student go on at least one mission trip during their time with us. There are mission trips available through FSOM that ranges from international to national to local. There are always outreach opportunities through Faith Church as well. These trips are important because it allows students the chance to gain hands-on experience in a different environment outside the church walls. Students often find themselves growing exponentially when they step out of their comfort zone to go on a mission trip. In fact, many students receive the call to missions work while on their first mission trip.